layout: layout.html
title: Svelte Islands
showPageCss: true
Note that Svelte requires a compiler for both client and server rendering, in this case provided by Eleventy.
Scroll down
Client-rendered Svelte
{% assign component = "./lib/svelte/my-component-js-only.svelte" | svelte %}
Using autoinit:
Using script:
{% comment %}
Super advanced use case documented for complete-ness: server-rendered, island-toggled Svelte.
{% assign component = "./lib/svelte/my-component-html-only.svelte" | svelte: page.url %}
{{ component.html }}
{% endcomment %}
Server-rendered Svelte (SSR)
No hydration, HTML only
Without hydration, the island is unnecessary.
{% assign component = "./lib/svelte/my-component-html-only.svelte" | svelte: page.url %}
{{ component.html }}
With Hydration
{% assign component = "./lib/svelte/my-component.svelte" | svelte: page.url %}
{{ component.html }}
{% comment %}{% endcomment %}
{{ component.html }}